
微软宣布Windows 10将于2025年10月结束生命周期(EOL). EOL是指微软正式停止对操作系统(OS)的支持的日期。, including software updates, 安全补丁, and technical assistance. After the EOL (or end of support) date, Windows 10 systems will no longer receive these vital updates and services.

Windows 10 EOL对仍在使用该操作系统的企业来说意义重大. Without continued support, Windows 10 will become increasingly vulnerable to security threats as new weaknesses are discovered. 另外, 企业可能会遇到与较新的软件应用程序和硬件设备的兼容性问题,这些设备的设计目的是与较新的操作系统一起工作. 这意味着组织可能面临更多的系统故障、停机时间和工作流程中断.

To avoid these problems, 企业现在应该开始计划在2025年10月的最后期限之前从Windows 10过渡. Upgrading to Windows 11 will ensure your systems remain secure, 兼容的, and optimized for your business needs both today and in the future.

Compliance Risks from Out-of-Support Software

Windows 10将于2025年10月到期,使用它不仅会带来重大的安全风险, 但不升级到Windows 11也会导致不遵守HIPAA等行业法规, PCI DSS, 和GDPR. 这些标准要求组织维护受支持的最新操作系统. The penalties and fines for non-compliance can be substantial, especially in the event of a data breach. For a small business, these costs could be sizable.

相关: Compliance and the Expanding Need for Security Accountability

Operational Challenges When Operating System Isn’t Current

在EOL日期之后继续使用Windows 10可能会导致许多操作效率低下和挑战. 正如前面提到的, as an unsupported operating system, Windows 10将不再收到微软的定期修复或性能更新. This lack of support can make systems more prone to performance issues, 滞后, 和无响应. 频繁的冻结、崩溃和重新启动可能会发生,严重影响生产力.

试图在Windows 10等过时的操作系统上运行更新的软件和硬件也会导致兼容性问题. 为更新版本的Windows设计的应用程序和外设可能无法在Windows 10上正常运行或根本无法运行. This can hamper productivity and disrupt workflows

Mitigating Business-Critical Software Concerns

如果你的业务依赖于不能及时升级到Windows 11的软件,你可以 purchase extended security updates (ESUs) for up to three years after the end of support. 此解决方案可确保您的系统在过渡到Windows 11时保持安全. ESUs provide critical 安全补丁 to protect against vulnerabilities, 让您有时间在不影响安全性的情况下规划和实施升级策略.

Benefits of Upgrading to Windows 11

很明显, 安全风险和运营中断的潜在成本超过了主动升级的成本. 此外,从Windows 10迁移到Windows 11为企业提供了几个关键的好处:


Windows 11具有先进的安全功能,旨在挫败现代威胁. 例如, 安全引导和基于虚拟化的安全性提供了针对恶意软件和网络威胁的额外保护层.


Windows 11进行了优化,以利用现代硬件的进步,更快的加载时间和更流畅的操作. By upgrading your hardware and software at the same time, you can experience performance improvements.


Windows 11 has an updated interface, new administration tools, virtual desktops to organize work, enhanced touch and voice capabilities, and integration with Android apps. Taking advantage of these new features can directly benefit your business.


Future developments of Microsoft Copilot will focus on Windows 11. 随着Windows 10的没落, 因此,升级到Windows 11将确保使用Copilot的最新功能和改进.


A smooth upgrade process requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some steps to help minimize disruption during the transition:

  1. Audit of all software and hardware currently in use. Make a list of everything that will need to be upgraded or replaced.
  2. 在更广泛地推广之前,先由一个试点小组测试新的硬件和软件. This allows you to work out any issues on a small scale.
  3. 在低活动量或非工作时间安排升级,以减少对日常操作的影响.
  4. Stagger the rollout across departments, locations, or groups. Avoid doing a full switchover all at once.
  5. 提供培训和支持资源,帮助员工适应新的操作系统,使他们更容易过渡.
  6. 建立流程,以便在推出期间和之后捕获和处理反馈. Continuously refine the process.

有了正确的准备,升级操作系统并不一定是一个破坏性的考验. 战略规划是确保企业顺利过渡到Windows 11的关键.


升级操作系统不可避免地会带来一些成本,但从长远来看,继续使用Windows 10可能会更加昂贵. Here are some of the key financial considerations around upgrading from Windows 10:

硬件升级: 运行Windows 11, 企业可能需要投资购买满足最低系统要求的新个人电脑和设备. This includes newer processors, increased RAM and storage, and TPM 2.0芯片. 成本可能会增加, especially for larger organizations, but can be managed by budgeting for periodic hardware refreshes.

Software compatibility: Some older custom or specialty software may not work on Windows 11 initially. Organizations may incur costs related to 测试 compatibility, acquiring upgrades or new software licenses, and retraining employees. But newer software also provides features and security enhancements.

Migration and downtime: IT teams will need to dedicate time and resources to migration planning, 系统备份, 部署, 测试, 和培训. 应该尽量减少停机时间,但在过渡期间可能会有一些生产力损失.

管理资讯科技服务: For SMBs with limited internal IT resources, 雇用托管服务提供商可以帮助简化迁移过程并优化ROI. The cost is generally a fraction of hiring additional in-house staff.

Potential fines and liability: 在Windows 10的生命周期结束后继续使用它会使中小企业容易受到安全漏洞的攻击, 恶意软件攻击, and compliance violations, which can result in significant fines, 诉讼, and reputational damage. Upgrading enhances security and reduces these long-term risks.

Improved productivity: Newer operating systems and hardware improve performance and reduce system crashes. The upgrades can pay for themselves through higher employee productivity, 效率, and ability to leverage new technology capabilities.

仔细的计划和战略性预算可以帮助最大化Windows 10 EOL过渡的投资回报率. 托管IT提供商还可以帮助中小企业了解总体拥有成本,并使流程尽可能顺利和负担得起.

Leveraging 托管IT服务

Rather than handling the migration in-house, partnering with a managed service provider (MSP), 像风向标, allows you to make the transition to Windows 11 as smooth as possible. An MSP can assess your current IT infrastructure, identify potential compatibility issues, and develop a customized upgrade project plan. They can provide hands-on support in deploying new devices, 传输数据, 安装软件, 和培训 employees.

迁移完成后,msp将继续监控升级后的操作系统和设备,以优化性能. 他们的主动管理和支持使您能够专注于核心业务目标,而不是陷入IT管理的泥潭.


As Windows 10 approaches end of life in October 2025, 中小企业需要现在就开始规划这一转变,以确保对其业务的干扰最小. Upgrading to a supported OS like Windows 11 will mitigate security risks, enhance productivity through new features and compatibility, and position your organization for long-term success.

Making the shift from Windows 10 doesn’t have to be daunting, especially with a partner 像风向标. 立即澳门网赌大全网址,安排咨询,并在您的Windows 10 EOL迁移计划上取得一个良好的开端. 我们的IT专业团队已经指导了许多中小企业完成操作系统升级,并可以确保您充满信心地完成这一过渡.

Schedule a consultation.